Sunday, 24 November 2013

Texture love

jumper, bag: primark, skirt: river island, rings: h&m, boots: spy love buy*

Today has been a very lazy one, I've done nothing all day except sleep and eat. I think I may be coming down with the winter flu, so instead of laying in bed feeling sorry for myself (which I have been doing for most of the day) I decided to put together a quick outfit with my current favourite jumper to make myself feel a bit better. I've been living in this jumper over the weekend, it's so warm and cosy and believe it not, it's primark! I first saw it on Barbara when I was watching her video here, and decided that I needed to have it. I think I might go back and buy the pink version, at £10 I can't really resist! 

I bought the skirt a while ago and never seem to wear it that much for some reason. It has leather panels at either side and I love how all the textures look when paired together! 

Hope you've had a nice weekend, 

Laura x


  1. Gorgeous jumper, it looks so fluffy and cosy! x

    Maddy from UNSTITCHEDD 

  2. such a gorgeous outfit, that jumper looks so cosy!
    Please check my blog out if you have a minute xx

    Carissa from

  3. Love the red nails. They really stand out with your outfit. Can't believe your jumper is from Primark!

  4. Your nail color is just amazing! And I love this striped skirt, so fun!

    Xo, Hannah


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